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Keywording with the change...


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Does Search work exactly as before now that the keywords are all visible? I have done repetitions on purpose sometimes so that words would appear together but now some are "orphaned" under the new system in which repetitions are eliminated. Is there a reason you have chosen to have the words from the Comprehensive Field appear first? Should we be changing what we are doing when we keyword? Just want to know how to proceed.



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Paulette,this is the worrying thing about the new changes (despite much teeth-gnashing about other stuff): repeated keywords are removed.


if, as Alamy clearly states, word order is important for determining search results, the removal of repeated words, where those repeated words were part of common phrases associated with an image, will have a negative impact on those image's performance in searches. As you point out, you will also have "orphaned" keywords which in the absence of an associated (but now removed) word may be totally meaningless.



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. . . and if the order of keywords is going to remain important for search results, I hope Alamy ignore the calls from some to alphabeticise them.



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Very good. Still wondering why the Comprehensive field is shown first but doesn't matter I suppose. I am confused this AM as to why someone searching for Baby Pack&Go turned up some of my baby polar bears on pack ice. Maybe the & becomes invisible??? One of those oddities in searches.



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