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Is any body else having problems uploading to Alamy Stock.
A 7 meg file takes 1.5 hours to upload

 My Macs are iMac 27 and Macbook. System OXs 10.6.8 on both  computers and have plenty  of ram and memory in both machines . Firefox and Safari are up to date.

 My broad band is copper wire with O2,

Speed  checks give 2 Mb./s up load.,16 Mb/s down load and tethered to computers via a router

 Took the same files to Apple store and used their  10mb/s optical broad band and was just as slow.

Tried using one of the machines with OSx 10.9 Maverick and was problem with speed,

Tried several times over two days to no avail but  once the files uploaded in 3 mins  but never to be repeated again to Alamy Stock.


 Slowness started about June this year


thanks Gary Blake

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