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I've just noticed there is a new tab on the side of the search results, asking for feedback from people looking for pictures, "did you find what your looking for?"

It would be good to hear what sort of comments customers leave, so we can tweak our keywords appropriately.


Just noticed there is also a chat now tab on search results, to give customers the chance to get advice from alamy


Both good moves in my book, adding value.

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I first noticed that a few months ago but it may have been there for even longer - possibly when they revamped the site. It's not very obvious.


If you've only just seen it now, then it's unlikely that buyers will notice it - don't hold your breath for any feedback!!


Ian D

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Agreed its been there a while. I had assumed it was for feedback just for Alamy's interest rather than more specific to the photogs. Has anyone had anything back from Alamy as a result of this tab?



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